Benefits of Dentures

If you have missing teeth, broken teeth or teeth with other significant flaws, it might make sense to replace them with dentures. Though dentures will cost some money, it is better to spend on these artificial teeth than rack up one dental bill after another with a series of restorations. Furthermore, placing dentures in your mouth will reduce the number of trips you have to make to the dentist's office. Here is a closer look at the merits of dentures.

Dentures Give You the Confidence You Need to be Yourself in Public

There is no sense trying to conceal your missing or damaged teeth when socializing with others. Take a moment to think about how nice it will be to open wide without hesitation when talking, eating, laughing and interacting with others in social settings. Dentures give you the confidence you need to part your lips, put your artificial yet real-looking teeth on display and truly be yourself in the presence of others. Once your dentures are in place, you will feel empowered to smile widely knowing everyone in your vicinity will see lovely white teeth that are perfectly straight. These seemingly real teeth will remain firmly in place regardless of whether you are talking, laughing, eating or performing any other activity with your mouth.

Speak With Confidence

Those who have one or several gaps between their teeth often hesitate to speak to others. These individuals are shy in social settings as the gaps between their teeth distort their sounds when talking. If you hesitate to interact with others due to the gaps in your mouth, you need dentures. Dentures will eliminate those odd sounds made when talking as they empower you to fully pronounce your words just as you did before you lost one or several teeth.

Opt for Dentures and You Will no Longer be Limited to Soft Foods

Plenty of those with missing or damaged teeth end up eating a diet of soft foods. Such soft foods are necessary due to issues with biting and chewing. All of these concerns are alleviated once dentures are in place. Though you cannot eat every single food under the sun while wearing dentures, these artificial teeth will prove sturdy and reliable enough to munch right through foods of nearly every type. You will be able to eat all those favored foods you left in the past knowing full well that your new dentures can tear through just about everything you put in your mouth.

Unlike Some Other Tooth Replacement Options, Dentures Stand the Test of Time

Dentures last longer than most patients assume. Though dentures will have to be replaced at some point in the future, these artificial teeth typically last between half a decade and a full decade. You read that right. Let the dentists or prosthodontists place dentures in your mouth and they have the potential to function without flaw for the next 10 years or longer. The same cannot be said of most other approaches to tooth replacement and restoration.

Elite Functionality

It was not long ago when dentures were mainly used for chewing. Dental technology has progressed to the point that dentures are highly functional and incredibly comfortable. Our prosthodontist will guarantee your dentures rest in the proper manner in your mouth when performing the initial fitting. This way, there will not be any worries about whether the dentures will rest as they should. You will wear your dentures in full confidence, knowing they will not slip when you talk or eat. This is the elite functionality you need to talk, chew, socialize and live life to the fullest.

Dentures are Good for Your Health

It is a grave mistake to leave gaps between your teeth for extended periods of time. Such gaps cause bacteria to accumulate in the gums. These gaps also cause adjacent teeth to droop on down to the vacant space. Teeth that shift downward pose oral health challenges and make it that much more difficult to thoroughly chew through food. The bottom line is those with one or several missing teeth need dentures as a form of support for your facial muscles. In fact, dentures play a major role in preventing the loss of bone in the mouth.

Improved Confidence

It is also important to note dentures provide a major confidence boost. Once your dentures are in place, you will feel and look younger, be more social and enjoy life that much more.

Take Your Pick

No two dentures are the same. This is quite a versatile solution for those plagued by tooth loss. Modern-day dentures are available in numerous types. Some patients are best suited with partial denture sets. Other patients find full denture sets are optimal. Those who have lost most of their teeth gravitate toward the full variety. Those who have a few gaps typically prefer the partial variety. Those looking for a long-lasting denture that cannot be removed favor implant-supported dentures.

Our dental health experts are here to beautify your smile, improve your confidence and enhance your oral health. If you are interested in dentures, an oral exam, a cleaning or dental restorations, contact us today. At Pacific Northwest Prosthodontics, our prosthodontists are specially trained in solving complex dental needs. Click HERE to see our dentures smile gallery! If you prefer to reach us online, simply fill out our online contact form to schedule your first appointment.