Office Visit

Whether you haven’t been to the dentist in a handful of years, you’re about to have your first ever dental appointment, or maybe it’s just your first time visiting Washington State Prosthodontics and Dental Implant Center, we know it’s something that causes many people to experience anxiety. One thing we’ve learned over our years of practice is that when our patients are educated on what to expect during their trips to the dentist, it typically tends to help decrease their anxiety and fears about it. With that being said, if you’re feeling a little nervous about an upcoming visit to the dentist’s office or are simply curious about what you should expect, stick around, we’ll give you the low down on what you can expect at your dentist office visit!

Who We Are – Washington State Prosthodontics and Dental Implant Center

Whether you have an appointment scheduled here at Washington State Prosthodontics or you’re still searching around for your best option, we’d love to share a little about who we are, and why we’re the best Bellevue prosthodontist. Washington State Prosthodontics is home to the only two board certified prosthodontists in Bellevue, and two of only a few in the entire state of Washington. Our specialists are just that, specialists! They’re not just general dentists, they have achieved high levels of advanced training, with a combined 30 plus years of experience that allows them to fully understand and practice prosthodontic dentistry with all of its intricacies. With this deep knowledge and hands on experience, our doctors are able to handle any situation our patients bring to them whether it be a simple filling or crown, or an extremely complex and challenging full mouth restoration.

It’s not uncommon for patients to come into our office feeling embarrassed by the look and condition of their teeth or defeated because they have not been able to find a solution to their dental problems when visiting general dentists. We love seeing hope fill our patients when we assure them their dental issues can be fixed, that we have years of experience with the same types of problems they are experiencing, and that we will be there to help them every step of the way. It gives us the greatest pleasure restoring the confidence of our patients and giving them the smile they have always deserved.

Our Specialists – Meet the Doctors!

Dr. Michael Johnson, Board Certified Prosthodontist, chose to open his practice in his hometown of Bellevue, Washington after graduate school, and has been rejuvenating smiles and caring for community members ever since. Dr. Michael Johnson enjoys the challenge of rebuilding the damaged dentition just as much as the interactions with his patients, spending as much time as needed answering questions and addressing concerns before treatment is started.

Dr. Russell Johnson, Board Certified Prosthodontist and Periodontist, found he had an innate interest in prosthetic dentistry and surgery while studying at the University of Washington. After completing his education and training, Dr. Russell Johnson became board certified in prosthodontics, but he didn’t stop there. He furthered his surgical knowledge by completing a 3-year surgical residency program, making him one of only a few dual trained specialists in the entire United States!

Visiting Our Bellevue Office

Our practice and the entire Washington State Prosthodontics team is dedicated to providing our patients, new and old, with safe, comfortable dental care of the highest quality. Your needs and feelings are a top priority for us along with your health and overall experience while in our office. That’s why at every office visit, whether it’s your first or 50th, it’s all about YOU! If it’s your first visit with us, we will typically start off by reviewing your medical and dental history forms. Generally speaking, all other visits will follow a similar path depending on each individual and their current oral health needs. For your first visit and various visits throughout the years, you can expect to have x-rays taken of your teeth and mouth. These x-rays allow the doctor to get a good idea of the state of your oral health and where you may need treatment. Our doctors will always sit down with you to discuss the x-rays and work with you to create a treatment plan customized for you. It is also likely you will have a dental exam and professional cleaning where one of our beloved dental hygienists will examine your mouth for any cavities, signs of gum disease or tooth decay, and finish off by cleaning and polishing your teeth.

How to Prepare

We like to remind our patients that to have the best results from their visit to the office, it’s essential they remember a few key things. First, make sure to block off the appropriate amount of time. Depending on each individual patient’s situation, an appointment can last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. We know your schedule can get busy, but it’s best to make time for a longer appointment just in case! You should also bring in your completed patient information form, insurance card, and any previous dental records and imaging we don’t currently have.

In terms of financial preparation, come with any questions you may have about your insurance coverage or payment options. The cost of treatment varies depending on your specific needs and treatment plan, but we will always be sure to discuss the specifics with you before treatment begins to ensure you are able to make the best choice for you. Washington State Prosthodontics accepts most major credit cards and insurance plans, but we also offer Springstone payment plans as an alternative for additional convenience!

In-Office Visits at Washington State Prosthodontics and Dental Implant Center

We know visiting the dentist isn’t everyone’s favorite, but regular checkups are critical to keeping a healthy smile! The American Dental Association suggests most individuals should be visiting their dentist every six months to keep their teeth and gums healthy, so give us a call at (425)549-4649 or schedule an appointment today!