Dental Implants

Are you one of the approximately 178 million people in the United States who are missing at least one tooth? If so, you may be considering treatment and wondering why you should see a specialist rather than your general dentist. At Washington State Prosthodontics and Dental Implant Center, we’re here to guide you through the process of receiving treatment for tooth loss and answering all of your questions along the way.

Treatments for Tooth Loss

When it comes to solutions for those suffering from tooth loss, there are quite a few options for treatment!

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a form of cosmetic restoration made of metal, porcelain, or a combination of the sorts. Crowns are used for multiple situations; sometimes they are cemented to an existing tooth to strengthen it or improve its shape. Other times dental crowns are used on either side of a missing tooth as support for a dental bridge, or as the prosthetic attached to a dental implant. In all situations, they are a great option to help improve or replace teeth with a realistic prosthetic that matches the color, look, shape and function of your natural teeth.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a very common form of treatment for tooth loss. Not only will it replace your missing tooth, but it also helps to alleviate stress on your bite as well as maintain the shape of your face, which tooth loss can dramatically change. A dental bridge is pretty self-explanatory in the sense that it uses artificial teeth to quite literally bridge the gap where there is a missing tooth or missing teeth. There are three different types of dental bridges that we use at our office; traditional bridges, cantilever bridges, and Maryland bonded bridges, all of which you can learn a little more about here. The type of dental bridge we use varies patient to patient as we look at each patient’s situation to decide which type of bridge is best for them.


Dentures are a great option to treat tooth loss when a patient is missing all or most of their natural teeth. There are two types of dentures; full dentures and partial dentures, both of which have their pros and cons. Check out our blog or schedule a consultation to see if dentures may be the right solution for you!

Dental Implants

As the gold standard of tooth loss solutions, we provide dental implant procedures frequently at Washington State Prosthodontics. A dental implant is used as an artificial root to the tooth, it’s typically about a half inch long titanium post that is implanted in the jaw where the natural tooth is missing. Once the implant is placed, there is usually a healing period to allow the jawbone to grow around the implant to ensure the implant is firmly in place and has a solid foundation. After the dental implant is placed and healed, a final abutment is placed to act as a connecting piece for the implant and the prosthesis. The most common prosthesis used for dental implants is typically a dental crown. The dental crown is the part of your missing tooth treatment that will show, mimicking the look, feel and functionality of your natural teeth.

The Importance of Choosing a Specialist for Your Dental Implant Needs

Nowadays there are many dental professionals that can provide dental implants, but the biggest difference between receiving a dental implant from a general dentist versus a dental implant specialist is the amount of training each has. Dental implant specialists are true experts that undergo far greater formal education and additional training than general dentists. In order to specialize in the surgical placement of dental implants, you are not only required to complete four years of dental school, but you need an additional four years of education in a hospital-based residency. This prepares the specialists for how to provide the best quality treatment, have experience with varying levels of difficult situations, and deal with any complications that may occur during implant surgery. Additionally, dental implant specialists practice continuous learning, meaning they pursue education on the topic even after their necessary training is completed to stay up to date on the latest techniques and advances in dental implant technology (Institute for Dental Implant Awareness, 2023).

The Dental Implant Experts

At Washington State Prosthodontics and Dental Implant Center, our doctors Dr. Russell Johnson and Dr. Michael Johnson are the only board-certified prosthodontists in Bellevue, and two of only a handful throughout the entire state of Washington. Why does this matter, you ask? Because prosthodontists are the dental implant experts! When looking to get dental implants from a specialist, it’s common for patients to ask whether they should see an implantologist or a prosthodontist. Though implantologists can be great at what they do, prosthodontists are a step up as they have a more extensive training and education, and they do not solely focus on dental implants like implantologists do.

The benefit of seeing a prosthodontist for your dental implants comes into play when there are any complex oral health problems in tandem with your need for dental implants or if there are any extensive dental problems that come up and/or are found during your dental implant procedure. Prosthodontists have such an extensive knowledge of all things restorative and cosmetic, you’ll never have to worry that something will go wrong or unnoticed during your procedure. Whether it’s identifying oral cancer, congenital or birth anomalies to teeth, TMJ issues, or the bare basics of a dental implant procedure, prosthodontists, specifically our doctors here at Washington State Prosthodontics, have your back.

The Best Dental Implant Specialists in Washington

If you need dental implants, Washington State Prosthodontics and Dental Implant Center is the place for you. Our team of empathetic, efficient, and talented experts is here to provide you with the best care and the best results for your dental implant procedure. Give us a call at (425)549-4649 or schedule an appointment today to get back the smile that you deserve!